Protecting Children Online

girls at computer
En Español
About the Campaign
Facts You Should Know
Dangers to Children Online
Warning Signs
Tips for Parents
Chat Lingo
Resources for Parents
Real Cases
Child Safety Tips

Schedule a Speaker

The San Diego District Attorney's Office is reaching out to parents and teachers in our community with a program designed to promote the safety, education and welfare of children online. Our office offers the unique perspective of law enforcement; we deal with these issues on a daily basis. At your convenience we will schedule a veteran prosecutor and a police detective from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to come to your school, parent organization or other group and give an interactive power point presentation about Internet dangers and solutions for parents. The presentation can be tailored to last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. We provide pamphlets and written materials, introduce our website and e-newsletter, and provide lists of resources for parents.

cybermolesters slideshow

We're taking our message on the road. Help us help parents. Invite us to speak to your parent group. Contact us at 619-531-3053 or send us an e-mail . We are immediately available for speaking engagements most days and evenings anywhere in San Diego County. We hope to hear from you soon.