Child Abduction
Child Visitation Violation
The San Diego County District Attorney's Office has implemented a self-reporting system to report violations of court ordered visitations. The system will allow you to document violations immediately without contacting law enforcement to take a report.
Use this Visitation Violation Report form to self-report violation(s) of a Family Court Order related to child visitation. Please fill out this form as completely as possible.
Required fields are indicated in RED. Once you have completed the form, hit the "Submit Report" button located at the bottom of the page. This will store the report in our system and generate a Case Number for you.
After you click on the Submit button, the system will issue you a Case Number. See the top left section of the report. Please print a copy of the report with the Case Number you were issued for your records. If you do not print at this time, you will be unable to print a copy later. You may print as many copies as you like BEFORE you close the report page.
Fill out Visitation Violation Report
Important Notice
Upon acceptance of this report, NO FURTHER ACTION WILL BE TAKEN by the San Diego County District Attorney's Office. Should you need assistance in pursuing a civil enforcement remedy, contact a private attorney or the
Family Law Facilitator for assistance. After you complete this report, it will be kept on file with this office. If you need a copy of the report for a court proceeding, you may direct a subpoena for records only to the following:
District Attorney's Office
330 W. Broadway, Suite 1220
San Diego, CA 92101